Sunday, April 15, 2007

Why me?

  Sometimes when tragedy strikes at home, we all ask ourselves - Why Me? Here is an excellent inspirational message from Arthur Ashe, the celebrated Wimbledon Tennis player.

  Arthur Ashe was dying of cancer. From the world over, he received letters from his friends and admirers. One of the letters conveyed: "Why does God have to select you for such a fatal disease?"

To this query Arthur Ashe replied: "The world over, 5 billion children start playing tennis, 5 million learn to play tennis, 0.5 million learn professional tennis, 50000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the Grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to semifinal,  2 to finals. When I was holding the cup as winner I never asked God "Why Me?"

  And today in pain I should not be asking God "Why Me?"

 Happiness keeps you sweet, trials keep you strong, sorrow keeps you human, failure keeps you humble, success keeps you glowing, but only God keeps you going.


                                                    - contributed by N.Bhattacharya in Wisdom Magazine.

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Why don't you give it up yourself

   There was a king and he had a friend - a holy man. The king would very often say to his friend, "Just release me from this worldly bondage, just make me free". The holy man would give instructions. Yet the king was persistent in his request, "Just make me free."

   One day the holy man firmly caught hold of a pillar and repeatedly began to request the king, "Friend, just release me." The king said, "Why don't you let go the hold." The holy man replied, "No, you must release me." The king replied, "A great fun indeed. you yourself have clasped the pillar tightly and at will you can leave it off. But now you request me to come to your rescue. why don't you yourself give it up?"

   Then the holy man left the pillar and said to the king, "It is the same case with you. you yourself are clasping the world and yet you constantly request me to release you from it. why don't you yourself give it up?" The king understood.

                                                                                  - Swami Turiyananda

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Does not give me time

  Rabia, the muslim saint was once asked, do you love God? Oh yes she said. Do you not hate the devil? "My love for God does not give me time to hate the devil", she said.

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Everyone shall have liberty

  The real democratic idea is not that every man shall be on a level with every other, but that everyone shall have liberty without hindrance, to be what God made him.

                                                                                       - Henry Ward Beecher

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Only person who listens

  The only person who listens to both sides of an argument is the fellow in the next apartment.

                                                                                             - Ruth Brown

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Serve two masters

 A man once challenged Mark Twain to quote some passage from the scriptures forbidding polygamy.

"Certainly" replied the humorist, "No man can serve two masters."

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More confidence in their opinion

 If you worry about what people think of you, it indicates that you have more confidence in their opinion than in your own.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

How poor we really are!

  One day a wealthy man took his son on a trip to the country so that he could have his son see how poor country people were.

  They stayed one day and one night in the farmhouse of a very humble farmer. At the end of the trip and back home the father asked the son: what did you think of the trip?

Son: Very nice, dad.

Father: Did you notice how poor they were?

Son: Yes.  

Father: What did you learn?

Son: I have learnt that we have one dog in the house and they have four. We have a fountain in the garden and they have a stream that has no end. We have imported lamps in the garden, they have the stars. Our garden goes to the end of our property, they have the entire horizon as their backyard.

  At the end of the son's reply the father was speechless and his son added: "Thank you dad for showing me how poor we really are!"

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Asked to give an address

    At a banquet in Londen too much food was served and far too many speeches were made. When Lord Balfour's turn came, the hour was late and he was profoundly weary.

  "I have been asked" he said, "to give an address and I shall beg the privileage of giving my own. It is no. 40, Carlton garden and with your kind permission I will go there at once."

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  A dissatisfied school teacher handed in her resignation with the following comment:

 "In our public schools today, the teachers are afraid of the principlals, the principals are afraid of the superintendents, the superintendents are afraid of the board, the board members are afraid of the parents, the parents are afraid of the children and the children are afraid of nobody."                   

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What is Placebo?

Placebo is a pill that is prescribed by a doctor who is puzzled over a diagnosis of a disease from symtoms. "Take this three times a day", says a doctor and the patient follows his advice. He is convinced yhat the content in the bottle will do him good and they do. Placebos are harmless concoctions without any medicinal value. But the Power of Suggestion fixed in the patients mind cures him.

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