Sunday, February 4, 2007

Tree gives a sweet mango

A king had gone for hunting along with his minister and retinue. They entered a forest. As the day was getting hot they rested under the spreading branches of a mango tree loaded with juicy fruits. A boy from a nearby hut of tribesmen hurled a stone to bring down a mango. However, the stone missed its mark and hit the king's head. The king was furious. He ordered his men to seize the boy and hang him to death. But the minister burst out laughing. The king got puzzled. His anger rose up. He asked the minister to explain his strange conduct. The minister said, "Your majesty, because the stone hit you - the King, the boy is in danger of losing his life. But suppose the stone had hit the mango tree. The tree would have given him a sweet mango. The king felt ashamed of his action.

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