Tuesday, June 14, 2011

NEW: Sketch-a-Day

Whilst looking at some amazing artist sketchbooks (Stella Im Hultberg, Yoskay Yamamoto, Nomi Chi), I started to wonder, "Why don't I have an awesome sketchbook? What is wrong with me? Am I not an ARTIST?" And then I realized that I DO have a sketchbook... but I usually sketch on random pieces of paper, and then throw them away afterward. WHY? Why do I do that?

So no more. I am determined to become a sketch-a-holic. And this time, I won't throw them away. I actually enjoy the look of sketchy, unfinished work. It looks quite chic as wall art in a modern space as well. Example:

So then here's my new declaration: I shall sketch every single day and select the best ones to post. I'll also start putting them into my "study/sketch" section on my Etsy shop. Check back often!

This is a contour line drawing, meaning the whole thing is drawn with one line. They are very useful practice in learning to look closely at what you're drawing.

Sketch from life with watercolor washes.

Figure sketch.

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