Wednesday, July 13, 2011

JUURIART.COM Has Had a Makeover!

OK my peeps. After months of putting it off, then months of re-doing designs, then months of trying to figure out web design stuff, my site is finally new!

I think you'll find it simpler, with some cool features like being able to buy pieces directly through Etsy, and knowing instantly what pieces or prints are available to buy. You can also sign up for the newsletter to get gobsmacking deals before anyone else does. The best thing about this new site is that it's goodbye to annoying lightboxes, which now I rather detest. Triumph at last! I feel so fresh and sprightly. Makes me wanna jump around in the grass.

On another note, Japan Cinema has put out their first magazine! If you don't know who they are, they are a cool blog that has very good reviews of Asian films, and interviews with many artists of different art forms. So anyway you can see my interview both on the site and in the new magazine. Want a copy for your own self? Order it here!

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