Friday, February 25, 2011

Non-Objective Art: Michel Keck

I have a hard time finding non-objective art that I think is outstanding... probably because everybody and their dog think they can splatter some paint on a canvas and do "abstract art" (as it is so erroneously often called.) I must say that Michel Keck's works are some of my fave.

They, to me, are outstanding. Yes, her website seems over-commercialized (and very hard to navigate.) Yes, she also wrongly calls her work "abstract" (as you can see, this error irks my soul.) Yes, people often give her bad reviews and mean comments like this article here. But... she makes like $25,000+ every MONTH from selling her art. That seems like a pretty successful career to me. If she can rake in the $ by doing what she loves... isn't that what all artists wish they could do?

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