Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowy Day Triumph! My Blog is Looking Better

Today is a blizzard in Oklahoma. Alas, I haven't stepped a foot outside and haven't been able to do any painting because, alas again, I have left all my paints and materials at the studio. (La! I get to call it "my studio" now... I have secured a space in my office in which to paint! But more about that riveting topic later.)

In any case, after lots of lying around, eating snacks, eating food, watching movies one after another, I decided to make myself productive and started reading about successful blogs. And then I realized that my blog was horrific! It didn't match my website at all and everything was so, so, default-y. BORING. For some reason I'd just assumed that I needed my super knowledgeable friend Robert's help in making my blog look better. But thanks heavens I broke free from that spell and just started messing with Blogger's settings like I've never messed before. And now... I am quite pleased with my work. It's still not perfect (Robert, I am going to start stalking you until you help me) but much better than before.

Admittedly this is the first time I've done a public blog. So if anyone has any tips or tricks, please let me know. I am extremely eager to learn! (As long as it's not some complicated CSS or web language stuff... ugh...)

Have fun in the snow drifts (if you are close to this vicinity) <3

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