Thursday, April 14, 2011

Illustration QUEEN! Martine Johanna

I've seen Martine's works all over the place recently but only today did I discover who the artist was, and get to see her official website.

I almost knocked over my coffee and ruined my keyboard at work I almost went into a frenzy. She makes me want to bust out the soft pencils and start sketching away! What do you think? I'm gonna "like" her FB page... right NOW! Plus, people, her works I've posted above are just like a tiny smidgen of the range of work she does. I sugoost you check out her site as fast as your fingers can type the url (or click the link.)

On another subject, I'm recently in a frenzy of very cool tees with beautiful line art. I know Society 6 is a great place to find them. Please show me your faves! I really want this one with a David Choe drawing on it because I remembered how much I am in a frenzy of his wild art. If I have any money left over after buying frames for my solo show, I may treat myself.

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