Friday, April 1, 2011

New News

Hi everyone, thank you so much for supporting me thus far but... I've decided to lay down my paintbrush and colored pencils and go to school to become a high-school math teacher. I've actually loved math ever since I was little, and I realize I need to start doing something that is actually worthwhile.

APRIL FOOOOOOOLS!!!!!!! Bwahaha, it was a struggle to even write that because I am not interested in teaching math, and most of all I would never want to teach sassy high-schoolers! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my own April Fool's joke is depressing myself! Did you believe me?

OK, the real new news isn't much of news at all. I got my Winston Chmielinski print from DevinatArt in the post. SO EXCITED!!! I put it up in my kitchen right above the sink so I can look at it often. Now I'm inspired to start buying more good art prints (or originals) and fill my house with good things. The other plus is that by some weirdness of DeviantArt, this 8x10 was only like $3. Is that madness or WHAT?!

And, I decided to try painting acrylics on wood. I love the smooth feel of wood and felt like trying something new. Acrylics are cool because you can gloop them up or use them super thinned like watercolor. Basically I think I'm just embellishing a drawing with washes of color. It makes me feel less nervous than to think I'm doing and "Acrylic Portrait," which somehow scares my pants off.

Have a safe April Fool's Day! Oh yes I absolutely detest math even though I'm Asian. I hate it, I hate it with a passion and am no good at it either. Juuri math teacher = never.

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