Friday, April 8, 2011

Teenage Love Quotes

Teenage Love Quotes

Love me now, love me never,
but if you love me, love me forever.
~ Author Unknown

Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's
called falling in love, because you don't force
yourself to fall, you just fall.
~ Author Unknown

Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman,
but luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man.
~ Author Unknown

It takes a minute to have a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone, and an day to love someone...
but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
~ Author Unknown

It breaks your heart to see the one you love is happy
with someone else, but it's more painful to know that
the one you love is unhappy with you.
~ Author Unknown

I believe that to truly Love, is the ultimate
expression of the will to live. A heart that
truly loves is forever young.
~ Author Unknown

Love makes life so confusing, but without love
would you really want to live?
~ Author Unknown

Once in awhile,
Right in the middle of an ordinary life,
Love gives us a fairy tale.
~ Author Unknown

Do you love me because I am beautiful
or am I beautiful because I am loved?
~ Author Unknown

He taught me how to love,
but not how to stop.
~ Author Unknown

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